Iberoamericana – special edition out – online & open access

We’re happy and proud to share the online and openly accessible version of our special issue to Iberoamericana – Nordic journal of Latin American and Caribbean studies. The issue is dated 2014 (of logistic reasons), but the paper version was first published this spring (2016) and final editing of articles finished late 2015

In this posting we’ll include the full note to the special issue, written by Leiv Marsteintredet, as well as the direct links to all pf the articles related directly to the Hispaniola 2014: justice, nationality and migration-conference.

Direct links to all the articles

Introducción: Haití y la República Dominicana: Una brecha creciente.
Authors: Miguel Ceara Hatton, Leiv Marsteintredet and Jorgen Sorlie Yri.

The Haitian rice tariff.
Author: Mats Lundahl.

Mobilisation against International Human Rights: Re-domesticating the Dominican Citizenship Regime.
Author: Leiv Marsteintredet.

Upholding Birth Right Citizenship in the Dominican Republic.
Author: Bridget Wooding.

A Conflict Transformation Perspective on Efforts to Protect Human Rights of Haitian Migrants and their Descendants in the Dominican Republic.
Author: Ingvild Skeie.

Dominican and Haitian Neighbors: Making Moral Attitudes and Working Relationships in the Banana Bateyes.
Author: Kimberly Wynne

A Postcolonial Indemnity? New Premises for International Solidarity with Haitian- Dominican Rights.
Author: Samuel Martínez.

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